Here at Reed Graduation services protecting your privacy and treating your personalinformation with care is of paramount importance to us. This Privacy Policyexplains why we collect personal information and how we collect, use, disclose,store and protect your personal information. It also explains how you useyou’re my account or contact us to correct, update or delete any personalinformation provided to us, or make a complaint if you have concerns. We arecompliant with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which regulate how we collect, use, disclose, store andprotect your personal information.
Wewill only collect and process personal information about you where we havelawful basis to do so. Lawful basis includes consent (where you have givenconsent), contract (where processing is necessary for the performance of acontract with you) and legitimate interests (including security threats orfrauds, compliance with applicable laws, and enabling us to administer ourbusiness).
Youhereby expressly and voluntarily grant your informed consent to ReedGraduations to deal with your personal information in accordance with the termsand conditions of this Privacy Policy. You have the right to withdraw ordecline your consent at any time and where we rely on legitimate interests, youhave the right to object.
Which entities does this Privacy Policy cover?
ThisPrivacy Policy applies to Reed Graduation Services Pty Ltd ABN 94 604 878 293and all of its related entities in Australia with respect to the Site,University Portals, and Services offered to Universities and Students.
What is personal information?
Personalinformation as defined as information or an opinion (including information oran opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whetherrecorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity isapparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.
What personal information do we collect?
Wemay collect personal information including your name, gender, date of birth,address, telephone number, mobile number, student ID number, measurements, andemail address. We do not retain your financial information or retain creditcard numbers used to purchase products or Services.
Atany time, we will not email you requestingfinancial information. If you receive a request to provide sensitive personalinformation (such as credit card details) in an email, do not provide thisinformation because the request may be fraudulent. You can help us identifyattempts at fraud. If anything suspicious occurs, please contact our office
Why do we collect your personal information?
Wemay collect your personal information when required by law but generally wecollect personal information from you (or about you) to allow us to:
- Supply you with the selectedServices;
- Supply you with tailored serviceofferings that may benefit you;
- Communicate more effectively with you;
- Ensure your experience with us is apositive one; and
- Notify you about our new serviceofferings, discounts, promotions or upcoming events.
Personalinformation collected or received by us will only be used for the statedpurpose for which it was provided.
When do we disclose your personal information?
Yourpersonal information will not be used contrary to this Privacy Policy but maybe disclosed to third parties in the following circumstances:
- For the purpose it was collected;
- If we sell all or part of our business(es)and the purchaser also requires your personal information;
- To enforce our legal rights or thoseof others;
- To prevent actual or potential fraudor illegal activity; or
- If we are required to do so by law.
Ifpersonal information is disclosed to a third party, we are required to takereasonable steps to ensure your personal information is treated in accordancewith the APPs. Several of our IT vendors are located overseas and in the safestway possible and in-keeping with this policy your information may beconfidentially shared with trusted partners in India and the USA.
Ifyou voluntarily provide information in discussion forums, webinars, or otherpublicly accessible areas of the Site, the information can be viewed andtherefore used by others. We advise you not to disclose contact informationthat they do not wish to have publicly available. We are not responsible forpersonal information you choose to submit publicly.
When and how do we collect your personal information?
Wecollect most personal information directly from you when you consent tocommunications from us. Your consent may be express (e.g. you agree to the useof your information by ticking a box) or implied by an action you take or donot take (i.e. because you have agreed to terms and conditions that containinformation about the use or disclosure of your information).
Youprovide us your information when you purchase (or enquire to purchase) productsor Services from us, you ask to find out more about our products or Services,you apply to work with us, you participate in our competitions, you make arefund, return or other claim, you use our Site or other applications, you dealwith us on the phone, you write to us, or when you visit our office or use our Servicesat an event.
We may also collect information about how you use our Site or applications to help us better serve you. For example, we may do this when you click on a link from our Site. This information is derived from cookies that collect your server address; your top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, .net, .edu, etc).
When we use cookies and other trackingtechnologies to collect your personal and non-personally identifiableinformation we are collecting this information to:
- Betterunderstand your browsing and purchasing behaviour;
- Analyseand track website usage data;
- Determinethe popularity of certain content;
- Deliveradvertising and content targeted to your interest on our Site;
- Betterunderstand your online activity;
- Improveour Site and Services and your online experience;
- Countthe number of visits; and
- Forother legitimate internal business.
What if you don’t want us to collect your personal information?
Youare not obligated to provide us with your personal information. You may choosewhether you purchase our products or Services or receive communications fromus. Whilst it is your choice not to provide your personal information to usthis may impede our ability to provide you with our Services or products.
When you directly visit our Site, use a search engine or click a link you can set your web browser to remove or reject cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. If you wish to opt-out of having your web browsing information used for re-marketing, traffic, demographics and interest reporting purposes, you must download and install Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
Removing or rejecting cookies may impact the availability and functionality of our website and updates to your web browser may affect the functionality of the Google Analytics Opt-out add-on.
What if you don’t want to receive further communications from us?
Shouldyou wish to remove yourself from our contact database you may do so at any timeby contacting our Privacy Officer at
How can I access, correct, update and/or delete personal information you have collected?
Atany time you may contact our Privacy Officer (details below) and request yourpersonal information be modified or deleted. We will make all efforts tocorrect data once we have proved your identity. If your personal information isincorrect or you wish us to delete it, contact our Privacy Officer to update ordelete it. Should you wish to update your personal information yourself you maydo so by logging into your ‘My account’ on the top right of our Site andproviding your user generated username and password.
How do we store and protect your personal information?
Forus to provide excellent service we are required to store some personalinformation and take the greatest of care to ensure this information is treatedas private and confidential. Transmitting personal data via the internet doeshave inherent risks associated with it. We will however take all reasonablesteps to ensure the security of this data.
OurSite is protected by security certificates and are built considering all modernsecurity stands where possible. We will take reasonable steps to maintain theintegrity and security of any personal information we have stored, includingtaking reasonable steps to prevent interference and loss, misuse, unauthorisedaccess, modification or disclosure of such personal information.
Notethat no information transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to becompletely secure. However, we will endeavour to protect your personalinformation as best as possible but we cannot guarantee the security of anyinformation that you transmit to us, or receive from us. The transmission andexchange of information is carried out at your own risk.
Itis important that you protect your privacy by ensuring that no one obtains yourpersonal information and you must contact us either directly or via our Site (myaccount) if your details change. If you do not wish to use the internet totransmit personal information you can mail or phone us Should your information be erroneously provided tous or no longer remain valid within the constraints of this Privacy Policy wewill securely destroy or de-identify it as soon as practicable, as long as itis lawful to do so.
We have obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to notify you if you are affected by an eligible data breach. We will take all reasonable precautions to take remedial action to prevent such an event. However, as we cannot guarantee that remedial action will be sufficient to prevent all instances of a breach, we will take steps to notify you of an eligible data breach as soon as practicable and provide recommendations as to what steps you should take to mitigate any serious loss or damage.
Transfer out of Australia
The Site is currently hosted on servers located in Victoria, Australia. For that reason, we may transfer data on the Site and Services, including some personal information, to our hosting service providers and data centres located overseas. You hereby expressly and voluntarily grant your informed consent to such transfers.
For mobile app users: How we handle your data
When using the Reed Events mobile app, students will be prompted to take selfies. These images will be stored on our secure servers and subsequently transferred to safe and reliable storage.
Why do we collect face data
- We capture thousands of photos during the graduation event, categorized into portrait, stage, and candid photos, and students need to find their own images.
- Without selfies, students would have to manually search through long codes for each photo, which is a time-consuming and cumbersome task.
- By taking selfies, students can easily find their pictures as the system matches their face data with the photos we’ve captured, making the process faster and more convenient.
How we protect your face data
- Your face data is never shared with third parties.
- It is only shared with the respective users, ensuring privacy and security.
Retention of face data
The face data will be retained as long as the system is in use and for the duration necessary to provide the service.
Should you wish to enquire regarding our security policies and practices
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or if you have a complaint, please contact us with your concerns and we will endeavour to respond to your request within 30 days. Mail: The Privacy Officer, Reed Graduation Services, 29 Pacific Drive, Keysborough, Victoria, Australia 3173 Phone: 1300 361 806 (from within Australia) Email: (attn: Security officer)
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Wereserve the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time. If anysignificant amendments occur, notification will be provided by publication onthe Site 14 days prior to the changes being implemented (Notice Period) unless the circumstances of the amendments makes it unreasonableto provide such a Notice Period.
Ifyou object to any changes, you may close your account and cease using theWebsite. You acknowledge and agree that your continued use of the Site afterthe Notice Period about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that thecollection, use and sharing of your personal information is subject to theupdated Privacy Policy.
Please refer to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website for further information about privacy in general.